This post is part of our SWOG Stories series, a collection of diverse perspectives from doctors, recruiters, members, patient advocates, and others across the Group. You can listen to all of these wonderful conversations here

“It completely transformed my experience in SWOG.”

– Dr. Jill Hamilton-Reeves

SWOG Cancer Research Network is committed to supporting investigators early in their clinical research careers. Established in 1999, the SWOG Young Investigator Training Course (YITC) has trained 100 researchers and is the hallmark program for its early career members.

In the segment featured, Drs. Jill Hamilton-Reeves and Joshua Mammen, both of the University of Kansas Medical Center, describe their experience with the YITC, how it helped advance their work within SWOG, and their aspirations for the future.

The YITC gives young investigators the opportunity to work one-on-one with SWOG’s most experienced leaders in order to develop a rigorous, relevant, and feasible SWOG trial concept to launch within the NCI’s National Clinical Trials Network. Many who have participated in the course have gone on to lead group trials, committees, and working groups.

Please help valuable SWOG educational programs like the YITC by giving a gift to The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research today. Gifts from individual donors like you directly sustain these professional development opportunities, helping to build knowledge and expertise.