Supporting young investigators’ career development is crucial to the future of cancer care.
Since 1999, The Hope Foundation has been funding early career clinicians through our SWOG Young Investigator Training Course (YITC).
Executive leadership have recently selected top candidates from across our international network to attend the 2021 YITC. The program will provide each young investigator the opportunity to work one-on-one with SWOG’s most experienced experts to develop a rigorous, relevant, and feasible clinical trial concept to launch within the NCI’s National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN).
This year’s young investigators are:
Manali Ajay Bhave, MD
Emory University
Julia McGuinness, MD
Columbia University
Deepak Kumar Pruthi, MD
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Angel Qin, MD
University of Michigan
Javier Retamales, MD
Chilean Cooperative Group for Oncologic Research
To date, the YITC program has provided career support to 110 investigators and led to the launch of 47 clinical trials within the National Clinical Trials Network. Because of our generous supporters, SWOG members have incredible training opportunities to help them deliver tomorrow’s medical breakthroughs. You can support these valuable programs with a charitable gift today.