Encouraging Statistical Excellence in Clinical Trials

Dr. Crowley was the SWOG Group Statistician and Director of the Statistical Center from 1984-2012, and he founded Cancer Research And Biostatistics (CRAB) in 1997. The SWOG Statistics and Data Management Center today remains a joint effort between CRAB and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Dr. John Crowley
Dr. John Crowley

During a career that has spanned forty-five years to date, Dr. John Crowley has made a significant imprint on the field of biostatistics. Most notably, his focus on the design and analysis of cancer clinical and translation trials has played a seminal role in our progress against the disease. His most recent research echoes this progress, focusing on analytical methods for utilizing microarray data to determine predictive and prognostic groups, as well as the design of targeted therapy trials.

Dr. Crowley is also known for his development of sophisticated tools for survival data that have had direct impact on the statistical analysis of cancer clinical trials. In addition, John has a personal passion and talent for mentorship and training. He has led efforts in teaching the application of statistics to cancer clinical trials – to both statisticians and clinicians alike – around the world. Dr. Crowley’s credentials include prestigious fellowships from the American Statistical Association, the Society for Clinical Trials and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Spiegelman Award for Outstanding Young Biostatistician, the Marvin Zelen Award for Leadership in Statistical Science, and the Breslow Lectureship.

John Crowley, PhD AwardThe Crowley Award provides a rare opportunity to interact and collaborate with statistical faculty and data management staff at a leading publicly funded, national multi-center clinical trials organization via an in-person residency of up to one week. This interactive mentorship program is spearheaded by CRAB and the SWOG Statistics and Data Management Center and is uniquely customizable by the successful candidate.

Successful applicants for the award will present research concepts or projects that utilize SWOG data, resources and/or expertise in the field. Examples of concepts may include development of statistical methodology, or the application of statistical methods as applied to cancer clinical trials or translational research, possibly inclusive of secondary data analysis. Possible projects might involve interventions to stop smoking, surveys of medical providers, or medical chart review, Successful candidates will have a chance to network with leaders in the field and to develop their personal career path.

Deadline to Apply: May 31, 2025

Note: Deadlines which fall on a weekend or federal holiday are extended through 5pm ET the earliest business day thereafter.

Crowley Award Announcement


Crowley Award Application

  • (e.g., Assistant Professor)
  • Start date indicates day 1 of consecutive 4-week project period.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    1) Cover Letter/Personal Statement, 2) Description of Research Concept, 3) Letter of Recommendation, 4) CV