The SWOG Champions of Equity and Engagement in Research (ChEER) program (formerly known as the DEI Champions) aims to identify and guide future leaders in DEI on implementing best practices to increase access and equity in research within cooperative groups.

Two Champions will be selected for 2024-25.
– Each will be paired with a mentor and provided support to travel to SWOG group meetings throughout their 2-year term.
– Selection includes mandatory participation in a orientation, currently scheduled as an in-person event May 6-7, 2024. Location TBA.

To apply, please complete the application below by March 22 (extended).

SWOG is committed to ensuring equality within its ranks and striving for equity in the development, conduct, and the enrollment of its clinical trials. As such, equity runs through all of the pillars of SWOG, from those who lead SWOG to those who participate at every level of the clinical trial enterprise. To further support these efforts, the Champions of Equity and Engagement in Research (ChEER) program has been developed as a means to foster the development of a diverse workforce whose goal is to keep equity front and center through collaborative and multistakeholder engagement. SWOG aims to train leaders to implement evidence-based DEI practices in cancer clinical trials.

Roles and Responsibilities:
Champions will work with ChEER directors, mentors, and SWOG research committees to develop and implement a project using evidence-based guidance for increasing diverse representation and equitable access in SWOG research. They will collaborate with research committees, study teams and SWOG experts to formulate and apply an action plan. This can include better understanding the needs of underrepresented populations, tactics to overcome barriers to study recruitment, strategies to increase equity in research participation and retention, etc. Champions will meet monthly with their mentors and ChEER directors throughout their tenure to move their projects along.

Expectations, Deliverables and Outcomes:
• Identify mentor(s) within SWOG
• Attend ChEER Orientation in May 2024
• Create and implement a project to use evidence-based DEI strategies to enhance equity and access to research within the SWOG network
• Participate in monthly champion phone calls
• Report and evaluate project progress to SWOG leadership semi-annually
• Guide development of sustainable plan for project longevity. Disseminate relevant methods across SWOG
• Collaborate with patient advocate and recruitment and retention committees

ChEER Program Description

Champions of Equity & Engagement in Research

ChEER Program Application

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