
Announced: Kilimanjaro Climb for Cancer Clinical Trials

This morning, at SWOG’s group meeting plenary session, Chair Dr. Charles Blanke announced that he will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in February 2015 – and do so as an effort to raise awareness of, and funding for, cancer clinical trials. Blanke hopes to mobilize support for bridging the funding gaps which result from recent NCI cuts …

Coming February 2015: Climb for Cancer Clinical Trials

In February 2015, SWOG Cancer Research Chair Dr. Charles D. Blanke will climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness of the importance of cancer clinical trials and to bring attention to the reality of dwindling federal funding for the National Cancer Institute and its National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). Learn more at the Climb Page.

New for Fall 2014: Hope Foundation Donor Lounge

If you’re attending Group Meeting in Chicago next month, then we hope to see you in The Hope Foundation Donor Lounge. As a way of giving thanks and recognizing our vital supporters, we’ve reserved the Hong Kong Suite for those who have supported SWOG through charitable contributions to Hope. October 23-25, donors are invited to …

Thank you, Dr. John S. Macdonald

We’d like to sincerely thank Dr. John S. Macdonald, as he has recently stepped down from the Board of Directors of The Hope Foundation. Dr. Macdonald served for more than 20 years and was one of nine initial Directors nominated by the SWOG Board of Governors at the Group Meeting held in October of 1993. …

Coltman Fellowship Applications Due September 1

The primary purpose of the Dr. Charles A. Coltman, Jr., Fellowship is to engage outstanding young investigators from SWOG affiliated institutions in learning clinical trial methodology within an academic and cooperative group environment that will lead to independent clinical research, while honoring the legacy of long-time SWOG Chair and leader, Dr. Charles Coltman. To qualify, …

Young Investigators Training Course Applications Due July 8

The Young Investigators Training Course is designed to intensively train selected young investigators in the SWOG system for protocol development, maintenance, and administration in order to develop a cadre of experts to quickly and efficiently develop priority studies. For the purposes of this training, young investigators are defined as oncology fellows in training or assistant …

Foundation Earns Reaccreditation by ACCME

We are pleased to report that The Hope Foundation has received notification of its continued Accreditation status from the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). Staff members who worked diligently throughout the reaccreditation process are thrilled that Hope’s CME program has demonstrated compliance. We look forward to continuing to improve our educational programming to …

Registration for Spring Group Meeting to open Feb. 25

The next SWOG Group Meeting will be held April 30 – May 3, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco. This four-day event will feature a full and varied agenda, providing hundreds of oncology professionals from across the country and beyond with updates on clinical trials and opportunities to connect and collaborate. Continuing Medical …

2016 Group Meeting Exhibits

At each Group Meeting, SWOG presents industry partners with the opportunity to exhibit their products and services over a two-day period. Benefits of participation include interaction with and exposure to hundreds of oncology professionals, high-profile placement of display areas, and inclusion of name and/or logo on meeting banners and in agenda booklets. In addition to its …

Two Funding Opportunities for March

SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award (formerly The SWOG Development Award) The SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award is a funding program from The Hope Foundation that encourages novel and innovative SWOG research by supporting early and conceptual stages of these projects. It is expected that support via this mechanism will lead to subsequent extramural support from other sources, …

Michael LeBlanc, PhD
Group Statistician

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Johanna Horn, President & CEO

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